Lightbringer Wiki

Black Luxin is a Legendary Color, which most believe not to exist. It’s powers and capabilities are only alluded to, but it is heavily implied that it possesses incredible destructive power. Indeed, Prism Gavin Guile thought he could use it to obliterate an entire Colosseum full of people, but deliberately chose not to use it. It is said that a requirement for drafting black is incredible hate in one's heart.

Attributes of Black Luxin[]

Black Luxin is extremely hard and dense, able to cut through stone and Luxin with ease. It's ability to counter and absorb other Luxins makes Black Luxin the most powerful counter to any drafter, rendering their drafting abilities nearly useless.

Black Luxin has the ability to remove a person's ability to draft a color and give it to the black Luxin user; this effect isn't permanent, and Black drafters must continuously kill drafters with Black Luxin to maintain their ability to draft other colors. Stolen abilities are not limited to only drafting colors, other abilities such as Lightsplitting and Superchromacy can be stolen as well.

Black Luxin causes insanity in the person who drafts it, similar to a Green Drafter feeling wild and a Blue drafter thinking logically. Black Luxin also erases the memory of the person who drafts it; some Black drafters have used their abilities to make them forget they can use Black Luxin in the first place. Drafting a massive amount of Black Luxin has proven to erase the memory of other people nearby. This was shown during the battle of Sundered Rock, in which Dazen used Black Luxin to defeat his elder brother, drafting so much of the cursed substance that everyone nearby suffered from short-term memory loss. Since Black Luxin was considered a myth, everyone nearby attributed their muddled memory to the effects of battle fatigue and the magical conflagration the brothers caused by drafting so much Luxin.

Black Luxin is unable to be stolen by a Blinding Knife, as Gavin is able to draft Black after he is stabbed by the knife after the Battle of Rue.


It is revealed that Black luxin is the origin of what is called 'Hellstone' or Obsidian. Black Luxin drains luxin of any source, and is therefore very useful in creating traps, weapons, and tools for use against drafters. Obsidian is used as part of the Threshing process for new drafters entering the Chromeria, draining any Luxin they draft and displaying the colors drafted on a piece of Ivory fitted with obsidian nodes.

Gavin used obsidian to create traps within his prison beneath the Chromeria, to help thwart his brother from using luxin to escape his prison. Gavin also used obsidian inside the bullets he fired from his pistols, to help shatter the Luxin armor frequently employed by Wights.


Duration of stolen abilities[]

It's unknown how long the Black Luxin user maintains the use of a drafting ability after taking it from another. Dazen Guile is able to maintain his polychromacy through the frequent hunting of Wights and the annual Freeing he participates in while he is the Prism. However, during the Freeing just before the Second Battle of Garriston he only kills three drafters: Aheyyad Brightwater, Felia Guile, and Bass the Simple - 2 Orange drafters and a Green-Blue-Superviolet Polychrome. Before that we only see him killing one wight, a Blue Wight. Dazen loses Blue to the blinding knife during Zymun's escape attempt, but starts to lose Green during the events of the second book. From the time between the Second Battle of Garriston and the battle against the forces of the Color Prince at Rue, Dazen begins to lose his ability to draft Green, indicating that time period may have been enough to start losing control over the color.

Sub-Red LuxinRed LuxinOrange LuxinYellow LuxinGreen LuxinBlue LuxinSuperviolet Luxin
Rare Luxins
Paryl LuxinChi Luxin
Legendary Luxins
Black LuxinWhite Luxin